The 10 commandments of sustainable and circular fashion

Raul Gonzalez Miguel, CEO of Ecodicta, will be one of the expert speakers on the Sustainability panel.

Raúl tells us what are the ten main good practices that a company can carry out in terms of circularity and fashion.

1. Choose the place of manufacture with values

The place of manufacture is key to knowing if a brand is sustainable or not. The best thing is that it is in countries where there are laws that ensure the rights of workers and respect for the environment.

It is also important to see if, despite having manufacturing in poorer countries where there are not so many laws (which reduces costs), the company is in charge of guaranteeing them and creating economic development in the area, participating in educational projects or regeneration of nature.

2. Have a plan to reduce the number of units produced

The large amount of clothing that is manufactured in excess is a problem for the planet. For this reason, it is important that the sustainable company look for ways to avoid storing so much product, such as through pre-sales (only the quantity that is requested is manufactured in this period), improving durability or reducing stocks.

3. gives guaranteeways of durability and repair

A company that guarantees products that last many years will be promoting the compulsive purchase of others to replace them. In addition, if a repair service is added to that durability, the useful life of the product can be multiplied.

4. Introduce new forms of business
Today the company format sells product to customer is no longer useful in sustainable fashion. It is important to also implement other services, such as the rental of clothing for specific moments or the sale of second-hand brand products. More and more brands are implementing it.

5. Measure all processes
It is useless to implement sustainable measures if there is no record of to what extent they are and the results they report.

6. Transparent communication
Many companies claim to be sustainable, but do not show what they are based on. On the other hand, a company that really is one will have no qualms about talking openly about the suppliers with which it works, its materials, the footprint it generates.

7. Use sustainable materials
This is one of the most common points, but you must do it consistently (and not just in selected collections or products) to be considered sustainable. In addition, it must also be taken into account that the environment is not being damaged excessively to obtain these materials.

8. Bet on garments that survive fashion
As we said before, durable garments encourage less consumerism so common in the fashion industry. If, in addition to being of quality, they are timeless garments that can adapt to the passing of the years and fashions, they will still be another success.

9. Have a recycling plan
There are brands that are already in charge of creating a plan to collect clothes and recycle correctly. The responsibility of the brand does not end when the garment is sold, but when it reaches the end of its life, and that includes proposing a way to end them responsibly.

10.Rodandate from other sustainable companies
Nor is it useless to put all this into practice if the rest of the factors that intervene in the company are not aligned with these values. It is important to have suppliers, collaborators, prescribers, etc., who meet certain sustainability criteria and share values and culture.

Now that you know the factors to take into account when considering a sustainable and circular brand, you can search for clothes that correspond and create your own capsule wardrobe with them. There are more and more brands that show that conscious clothing can be made, and that is what is important.

Ecodicta is one of them. Witheight more


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